I no longer believe in God!

 What causes someone to make that statement, I no longer believe in God?! Someone declared to a podcast host recently that she no longer believes in God due to some tragedy and evil that has devastated her life. The reply from the host was the thing that has come upon you has affected billions of people around the world. You believed in God then, why don’t you believe in God now that you are suffering?

I am paraphrasing, but that was the gist of his reply to the person that complained to him. I agree with his reply, but he should have gotten to the root of the problem – man’s sinful nature. That is the reason we suffer pain, poverty, disease and death. Also, to his credit he said that God is not a “celestial butler.” His exact words. He is correct. God is not our cosmic Jeanie in a bottle. God is not here to serve and grant our wishes. It is the other way around. We exist to serve and glorify Him.

Because of mankind’s sin, death is working in all of us. It is a universal sentence that none can escape. The eyes of the lost are closed spiritually. They are blind to the truth of the nature and character of God (2 Corinthians 4:4). Dis-believing in God does not hurt God, it hurts and handicaps the non-believer. That person has cut off the only one that can forgive their sins and save their soul.

The other thing the non-believer does is place themselves under God’s wrath (John 3:36). Why would anyone want to put themselves in opposition to the Lord? Psalm 7:11 says that God is angry or has indignation against the wicked everyday (italics added for emphasis).

I would argue the person who no longer believes in God does not even know the character of God. They do not understand their own nature either. Once they discover who the Biblical God is, and understand their own depraved nature, then they will know the truth, and the truth will make them free (John 8:32).


What are some reasons why people stop believing in God?

1)   God has broken your heart: You had a loved one that became terminally ill. You sincerely prayed to God for their healing. They die. You’re broken hearted, devasted, understandably emotional and angry at God. Why wouldn’t God who is all powerful heal my mom, dad, my baby or spouse? You have determined that God does not care, nor is He loving or all powerful so why trust Him any longer.

Losing a loved one is a terrible pain to endure. There is never a right time for it to happen. The reality is that we all have an appointment with death. We cannot avoid it whether we like it or not (Ecclesiastes 3:2; Hebrews 9:27). For most people they are frightened to the core of death. But if you are in Christ, we can echo the words of the Apostle Paul, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).” We do not have to face death with fear. We can face it with comfort. If you are in Christ when you die, you’ll be in heaven the moment after you take your last breath here on earth.

2  You have been mis-educated in God’s word: I believe the most nefarious thing in the world is a false teacher masquerading as a true shepherd of God. Why do I say this? False teachers (and there are plenty), preach another Jesus. Paul in Galatians chapter one says this:


“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel – which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one, we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again; if anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse” (Galatians 1:6-9, NIV).

I had to bring this point up because false teachers abuse God’s word for their own selfish ends. They twist the scriptures to make the Bible say what they want it to say. When their parishioners follow their toxic doctrine and attempt to apply some name-it-and-claim-it nonsense to their lives and it doesn’t work, they are devasted, they turn on God, and leave the Church. If they have a terrible experience with one Church, they will lump all of them into the same hypocritical pile. Christians are fake and so is the God they serve – He did not answer my prayer for a new house, new car, more money, my healing. I even prayed in Jesus’ name, and I still didn’t get my break through!

Why do the good and innocent have to suffer?

Scripture tells us that none is righteous, and none does good, not even one of us (Romans 3:10-12). Bible also tells us that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Human goodness is subjective. Everyone makes their own rules. Goodness for one person is to support abortion because that gives women supposed autonomy over their own bodies. Goodness for another person is to champion woke ideology, Critical Race Theory and fighting climate change. In the minds of many people these are worthy virtues to promote. The main question that must be asked is how does God view these things?

The point in society’s mind is “good” people should not suffer wrong. It is unfair to those who believe they are good. Why would a good God allow evil on good people?

We live in a morally fallen world. The truth is mankind is wicked and not good. Sadly, mankind does not know how wicked they really are. Most do not want to know because that would bring guilt. Our sin is not only against one another, it is against God Almighty – the one to whom everyone must give an account when they die. Because of the sin of Eve and Adam, in that order, God pronounced death on them and all of their descendants – everyone that will ever live. That is the truth most hate. Why do we have to suffer for the sins of Adam and Eve? All human beings will suffer in this world to one degree or another. Jesus promised in this world we would have tribulation (John 16:33).

The ongoing calamity we experience in this life is a constant reminder of our fallen sinful nature. This should grip everyone with godly fear, but for most it results in blaspheming the Lord’s name for the trouble they are experiencing. Man refuses to accept the fact the world is in turmoil because of their ongoing sin. It is our fault.

Complete surrender to God’s sovereignty is the key.

Our God is infinite. There is so much we do not understand about His ways (Isaiah 55:8-9; Romans 11:33-36). God is sovereign which means He has absolute rule over everything and everybody. And because we are sinful, and He is absolutely holy, we will wrestle with Him and His decisions in this temporary life of pain. Even though we will always lose, our selfish sinful nature foolishly believes that we will feel better if we disobey. For many disobeying the Lord is their way of "hurting" Him for not submitting to their demands. Actually, for the one that believes that your mind is playing tricks on you. The more one sins against the Lord, the closer to the fires of hell they get; this warning is to the non-believer.

Once one gives their life wholly to Jesus, you realize He bought you with His blood and your life is not your own anymore (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). When you decide the Lord can do what He pleases in your life, you will have joy. God is always going to be God whether we believe in Him or not. God’s love is always with the child of God. Nothing can separate us from His love Romans (8:31-39, please read these verses).

I’ll end with this, if you choose NOT to believe in God, then you have no hope for your life. Bad things will continue to happen, and you will not know the reason why they’re happening. This reality will deliver to you ongoing anguish as you drift into a black hole of despair. Translation, you’re lost in darkness.

For those of us who trust God with our lives, we know why natural evil happens; because of moral evil; the evil of men. The difference is we know that all evil is passing away. God has promised a new heaven and a new earth where only righteousness dwells (Isa 65:17; 2 Peter 3:13; Rev 21:1).

Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.

-      Proverbs 3:5-6





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