Have You Spoken To Any Dogs Or Pigs Lately?
I realize this is a very strange title for an article, but rest assured I will explain. I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with some members from my Church and another Church this past Saturday. As we walked in the neighborhood, we encountered a gentleman who engaged us, but also ridiculed everything we said regarding Jesus, sin and the need for repentance and forgiveness. This is no surprise to me as I have encountered people who have mocked God after I have shared His word, or even if they “agreed” with me, they told me what sins they were about to engage in letting me know the word had no penitential effect on them.
My point being is when sharing the gospel truth to someone
face to face, or online, we must be discerning. We are not to waste our time
with those who have no desire to hear the truth. This is not a harsh response;
it is a Biblical one. When Jesus was preaching the sermon on the mountain, He
said, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs, and do not cast your pearls before
swine, less they trample them under feet, and turn and tear you to pieces” (Matthew
Proverbs 26:4-5 tells us the following, “Do not answer a fool
according to his folly lest you be like him. Answer a fool according to his
folly lest he be wise in own eyes.”
The preceding verses appear to contradict one another, but
they do not. Verse four is commanding us not to stoop down the level of a fool
when they are being foolish. Verse five is commanding us to correct a fool in
their foolishness otherwise they will feel emboldened and confident in their
stupidity. All these exchanges can and often happen in a gospel presentation. We
must know how to respond to someone being foolish.
When Jesus sent out the disciples to preach the gospel one of
the things He said is, “And whoever will not receive your words, when you
depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. Assuredly, I
say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the
day judgment than for that city” (Matthew 10:14)! What a terrifying thought.
For those who reject the gospel, they are worse than the evil homosexuals who
were in Sodom and Gomorrah (Read Genesis 18 & 19).
The Gospel of Christ is described as a treasure in earthen
vessels. The earthen vessel described here is representatively speaking of frail humanity. An actual earthen
vessel was a clay pot that was easily breakable and replaceable. It was useful
for storing items like jewelry, money, or documents. The reality that God would
entrust frail, sinful humans with His precious truth lets us know how much He loves
us. So, the power is never in the presenter, but the message the clay pot presents
so that God receives the glory (2 Corinthians 4:7).
So that I am clear, we are to share the gospel with all. We
also need to be aware of who is receiving your message, and who is not. Based
on the responses of those listening determines if you continue speaking or if you
need to walk away. Remember, what we have is most the precious treasure of all,
the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News! Do not give what is holy to the
dogs; those that return to their own vomit, or pigs; they go back to the mud
after they have been cleansed (Proverbs 26:11; 2 Peter 2:22).
Those that reject this Good News will be subject to the worst
news, God’s holy wrath (John 3:36).