The Writer's Extreme Burden: Jesus, Blackness or Molech? An Appeal To The Black Christian

I just heard from a YouTuber that I follow two and a half months ago said CNN reported that 69% of black people are casting their votes for Kamala Harris. Twenty three percent are for Trump, and 8% are undecided. The vice president has picked up the torch of Joe Biden in that she is for womb assassination, or as they call it reproductive freedom, and ongoing support for the LGBQTIA+ community; i.e. the homosexual revolution amongst a myriad of other destructive policies. I do not care if you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, etc. What policies as a Christian do you promote? What I find most egregious is that Black people continue to spew rhetoric about coming together and being unified. Why are so many willing to kill their babies and call it health care, pro-choice, my body my choice? No. The life growing inside of the mother is not her body. The baby is a separate life with its own heart, lungs, limbs, eyes, mouth, ears etc. Why are so many willing to allow their children to be groomed to become the opposite sex when that is impossible? How can you continue the legacy of black people if you’re destroying said legacy in utero simultaneously? Exodus 20:6 commands that we are not to murder. God knows us before we are even conceived! In Jeremiah 1:5 we read, “Before you were formed in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Psalm 139:13-14 says that you formed my inward parts and covered me in my mother’s womb. Verse fourteen says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Many Christians are what I call C.I.N.O. (Christian in name only).

All of this has made me realize a terrible truth about our society…

Shame has died and many have seared their conscience.

Jesus told Nicodemus, “Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil” (John 3:19).[1]

It’s time for a heart check. Yes, it’s time for tough love. True love always tells the truth. If you fall into the above categories, you need to repent today! Your hypocrisy is butt naked, and you can no longer conceal your shame.

Here’s a question for you Black Christian. It’s time to be honest. Who or what do you worship, Jesus,  Blackness or Molech? No one can serve two masters Jesus said. Here is my definition of Blackness.

Blackness is the cult whereby the Afrostocrasy[2] determines what the present goals, policies and future “should” be for black people in America. The unspoken rule is all black people are “hard-wired” ethnically together due to melanin count and MUST stay on code.  To defect from the cult is to be labeled a race traitor a sell out and a coon.

I’ll get to who the real sell outs are in a moment.

One of their main tenets is reparations / Black Descendants of slavery suing the government is what the writer calls it.  The Reparations Committee demand (emphasis added) the government provide some type of payments to eligible descendants (it seems to me in order for one to be eligible, the government will have to really get very deep into your personal life. Do you really want that?) of those enslaved in the past– i.e. stick it the racist white man government. I guess the point of these payments are to be retro-active compensatory damages for all the years black slaves were chattel labor to their slave masters free of charge. In other words, white people today have to atone for the sins of their forefathers and foremothers whether they were slave owners or not - i.e. sins by proxy.  I’m sure it is assumed that all white people living in America today are descendants of slave owners, so they are guilty by association right? Should Christians be on board with this? Do you think this “financial apology” from the “White Supremacist” government will improve ethnic relations between blacks and whites or deteriorate them further?  Will this monetary olive branch cure white people of their “systemic” racism? Does this mean that black people will finally forgive white people for their ancestor’s racism and their current “systemic” racism?


Unforgiveness has always been thicker than money, and no amount of money will cure the hatred between many blacks and whites. You see hatred and unforgiveness is a matter of the heart not money. With the Afrostocrasy and black people in general, forgiving white people is considered weak, spineless and race treachery – a type of Stockholm Syndrome. Don’t believe me? I dare you to listen to this episode from Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker from the Just Thinking Podcast:

As soon as a white police officer kills a black person, we’ll be right back where we started – burning cities to the ground and looting screaming DEFUND THE POLICE!!

George Floyd 2.0!

The Bible command that we forgive all, “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, FORGIVING ONE ANOTHER, even as God in Christ FORGAVE YOU (Ephesians 4:31-32).

Jesus also said, “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy” (Matthew 5:7). The opposite is obvious; if you’re not merciful do not expect to receive mercy.

It is not natural for us to forgive those that hurt us. It is natural for us to retaliate. Forgiveness comes from the power of God. When He empowers us to forgive others, we are free.

The government paying billions or trillions of dollars to descendants of slaves due to some collective white guilt will come at a tremendous ungodly cost to the taxpayer.  I have never known the government to give money away for free. This would be the most expensive bond measure in U.S. history! The payback on this will cost our descendants well into the twenty-second century!! I do not believe this provides freedom to us as black people. Rather, I think it is a way for either the state or federal government to enslave many. What do I mean? Do not think for a moment that “big brother” will not surveil you even more now that you may hit the “federal black reparations lottery.” If you think you were hated before, I believe the disdain from the government and the deep state will grow against reparationists exponentially. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but that is the way I see it. Hyperinflation here we come!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

 But then again, this writer does not believe black people will receive a single reparations penny from the government.

OOOPS! I forgot; I live in California so…[3]

Womb Assassination, Molech Reborn!

The Ammonites were a pagan nation in Biblical Antiquity who were infamously known for child sacrifice. The god they paid homage to was named Molech, the fire god. When sacrificing children to this false god, the adherents would play drums to drown out the cries of the child being offered in the fire. A righteous king by the name of Josiah (ca 640-609 B.C.)[4] destroyed this wicked idolatrous practice in his day, tore down the pagan altar and made the area a perpetual garbage dump where trash burned twenty-four hours a day. The area is called the valley of Hinnom (2 Kings 23:10).

Those that sacrifice babies in the womb are the new Ammonites, and Planned Parenthood is the new Molech. Those that murder their babies on demand are sacrificing their children’s blood to demons. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenicist who hated black people and called us and others who she deemed unfit to pro-create as “human weeds and useless eaters that need to be exterminated.”[5] That is why she created the Negro Project back in 1939 and employed black activists and ministers to spread her death cult.  Just as Molech was a false deity that was destroyed about 2500 years ago, Sanger is a dead woman in hell awaiting final judgment. The selective outrage of some black people is mind boggling to me. One the one hand, many want reparations although they were never enslaved by anyone. On the other hand, they are willing and happy to butcher their babies to Satan.  It’s a sin for the white man to marginalize, harm and kill us, but it’s okay for black people to assassinate their babies in the womb and call it healthcare and reproductive freedom? You hypocrite! If this sin is not repented of, how do you escape the damnation of hell (Matthew 23:33)?  Black Christian, are you down for this? Have you shackled yourself to the Afrostocrasy plantation or are you a free thinker? This is what the current democratic nominee stands for.


Proverbs 6:16-19

These six things the Lord hates, yes seven are an abomination to Him:

A proud look

A lying tongue

Hands that shed innocent blood (that would include murdering the pre-born)

 Heart that devises wicked plans

Feet that are swift in running to evil

A false witness that speaks lies

And one who sows discord among brethren

WOW! If the above rebukes do not describe today’s politicians I don’t know what does.

 Final Remarks

I have been hearing this phrase frequently in the YouTube streets, “All skin folk ain’t kinfolk!” Translation, just because we are the same ethnicity, does not mean we are together and share the same ideals and worldviews. I do not worship my melanin, nor do I sacrifice to the new Molech. In Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus is teaching the crowds, and someone tells Jesus that His Mother and Brothers wanted to speak with Him. Jesus gives a provocative reply. He said, “Who is My mother and who are my brothers?” And stretching out His hand toward His disciples He said, “Here are My mother and brothers! For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Jesus was not disowning His natural family. He was speaking from a kingdom perspective. Those that were doing the will of His Father superseded His blood relatives. So what that means is as a black man or woman who is a professing Christian, the White, Mexican, Arab, Indian who is a Christian are your brothers and sisters in the Lord. The Black man or woman who does not profess Christ is NOT your brother or sister – OUCH! I know that hurts. Remember skin don’t mean kin! Paul said in Romans 8:9b if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they are not His. What this means is that just because someone shares a similar hue with you does not mean you’re in the same family. That’s Bible. It does not mean you do not love them and cannot be friends; it just means that you’re unequally yoked with them when it comes to the faith you profess.

So, black Christian, be very careful who you lock arms with. Don’t be so quick to go along to get along. Being black is not a monolithic religious cult, but many blacks including many so-called black Christians have made their blackness into a golden calf that they worship. It’s a false social gospel.  So who’s the sellout now? While some may call me a race traitor (by the way there is no such thing), those that worship their melanin are Jesus traitors and apostates! Well you be damned! It is time for you to repent today for you have lost your way my friend! Real Christians serve one Master – Jesus Christ.  

We must obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29)!

In the immortal words of the Apostle Paul, “Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth” (Galatians 4:16)? Are you offended by what I’m saying? Are you clutching your pearls?                                                                                                            

No candidate who makes it to the White House can save black people or anyone else. Can they make things better? Determines what that better is. Will they lower taxes, gas prices, food, get rid of the homeless pandemic, protect our borders from illegals who drain our resources, deal with the smash and grabs, provide affordable housing and healthcare, stop grooming children to artificially change their biological sex thus preparing them for hell? Will they promote school choice? An administration that can accomplish these things is good for all Americans. I’m not optimistic with any candidate honestly. Humans are wicked and they are getting worse (2 Timothy 3:13). My only solace is I pray to God to move on their hearts to do what is right (Proverbs 21:1). Especially for leaders because they tend to be the most corrupt.

Here is a Biblical text that I use to vet leaders by. If this is violated too much, I reject them, “It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness since the throne is established by righteousness” (Proverbs 16:12).

The President is not a king, but they have high authority. They should also have a high moral character and the right convictions.

Black Christian return to your first love – the Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t get caught up in identity politics, blackness ideology or the sin of melanin idolatry. They’re all demon doctrines. You need to study the scriptures and be very discriminate who you listen to and follow – that includes these so called black social gospel preachers who are more concerned about colorism than Christ.  If you’re young in your faith you definitely would benefit from a mentor(s) who can guide you skillfully into Biblical truth. I had a mature brother in Christ encourage and challenge me in the Word of God nearly 37 years ago. Since I was young and starving to know the truth, I accepted the challenge, and I have never looked back. Others of you could use a dose of humility and get back to the basics. You may be seasoned in the Word, but now you’re bored and you’ve become mechanic. You’re just going through the motions.  Admittedly I have been there. It’s so very easy to allow life to distract us and get us off our true reason why we have been saved – that is to glorify God and be a light in a world of hopelessness and darkness. Get excited again and again about opening the text and letting the Father speak from His heart to yours. You CANNOT have ongoing communion with the Lord and your worldviews do not morph into His.

You know that is what we all need right? Reclaim your peace by putting the Lord first.

Love who you are, but never worship who you are. Again, Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matt 6:24). Or in our case, you cannot serve God, Blackness and Molech. You must choose. To involve all three together is Syncretism.[6]

I urge you Black Christian choose Jesus so that you may live. If you don’t I suspect that you may have believed God in vain. You MUST carefully examine your life to see if you’re truly in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). A true profession of Christ MUST be coupled with a transformed life.


Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!...Who justify the wicked for a bribe and take away justice from the righteous man!

Isaiah 5:20-21; 23


[1] Darkness and light represent wickedness and righteousness in this passage

[2] Afrostocrasy are the black elitists, the civil rights activist, the politician, and the black social gospel (non-evangelical) preacher

[4] ca means approximately

[5] Learn about the life of Margaret Sanger in Bruce Fleury’s book “The Negro Project”

[6] Syncretism is when someone combines religious, political, and philosophical views. It’s a salvation

Based on human works that can never save the soul

As Christians we practice Monergism. Meaning we believe in Christ, alone for salvation. It’s never the result

Of human effort for Jesus did all the work when died on the cross to take away our sins


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