Is the Bible a Accessory to many Church-goers? A Preview

If you're not diligent in study, you will be duped by these numerous false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing. Here's what these charlatans do: They love to say that "God told me to tell you..." Putting God's name on their falsehood clearly implies dogmatism does it not? This is where the hypnotism begins in these social gospel centers (I can't in good conscience call them churches). To make their "prophecy" appear authentic, they will take a Bible verse(s) out of context. What they are doing is claiming they have received "divine revelation", and they want the Bible to bow its knee to their divination. Once they get the foolish churchian[1] riled up and ear-tickled, they go in for the kill - the money grab! 

Mission accomplished. You've been played. 

I would love to say that the victim (i.e. church-goer) has been freed from their hypnotic trance, but most return the following week to receive the same abuse from the same wolf in the pulpit. We call this Stockholm Syndrome - when someone has a strange affection or attachment to their abuser. This is far worse! This is spiritual witchcraft.


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