Does God promise Eternal Security?
The idea of eternal security in Christ should provide believers with relief and it does for those of us who understand that salvation is eternal. But for some who over analyze this wonderful truth, it has become a stumbling block. Let me explain what I mean. I have read articles and spoken to some who believe that eternal security somehow is ultimately contingent upon man to secure it. Now if that is true, then Christ's atonement on the cross was not sufficient. For many believe it cannot be that easy - for Christ to die and someone repents and believes and they are saved eternally. The question must be asked then. "What if someone believes in the work of Christ on the cross, but still lives the same way they did before their profession of faith?" This is an excellent question. Let's explore this. The one who made the profession of faith in Christ yet still lives as if they are unsaved most likely is still unsaved. Remember if a person is genuinely born o...