
Can You Teach Someone To Speak In Tongues?

  Whether one believes tongues is for today, or if you believe the gift has ceased, no one can teach another how to speak in Biblical tongues. One can claim to teach someone to speak in the “tongues” of today because it is gibberish masquerading as authentic tongues. The word for tongues is the Greek word glossa where we get the English word glossary which means language or speech. For some bizarre illogical reason those that engage in this practice believe they are praying to God in their “heavenly or private prayer language” (1 Cor 13:1). There is no support for that in scripture. What about 1 Corinthians 14:2? The above verse says that those that speak in a tongue speak not unto men but unto God. Many cite this verse to prove that we can speak to God in tongues privately. There are a couple of views regarding what this verse could mean: 1.       Some scholars say the tongues spoken in verse two is a pagan Corinthian ecstatic utterance and not the ...

Does Anyone Die Before Their Time?

  The Bible makes it clear that everyone has an appointment with death. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that we are appointed once to die and after this the judgment. Ecclesiastes 3:2 tells us there is a time to be born and a time to die. David in Psalm 139:16 said that all the days ordained for me are written in your book before one of them came to be. Job 14:5 says that man days are determined, the number of his months is with you. And you have appointed his bounds that He cannot pass. What are these verses revealing to us? Our life and times were pre-ordained and determined by God. Our days are interwoven with the providence of God and every decision we will ever make our entire lives. God knew our lives before our conception. This is what God said to Jeremiah when He commissioned him to be a prophet, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). God mapped out Jeremiah’s life before he w...

What Is Moralism?

  Moralism is when someone lives by a moral code – whether Biblical or Non-Biblical. Most people in the world are Moralists. Moralists determine for themselves what code of ethics they will live by. For instance, you have many people who do not smoke, drink, or cuss. They give to the hungry, they clothed the naked, they are kind to their neighbors and members in their children’s PTA. I learned from my youngest daughter according to Tik Tok, one cannot use the word suicide for those that take their own lives, or you will get cancelled. One must use the PC phrases and words such as accidental death and un-alive [1] . Saying suicide although true is immoral in Tik Tok-ism. On a human level, moralists are great people. So, when they die will they go to heaven or hell? The non-religious moralist does not believe in a fire and brimstone hell. They have convinced themselves that a loving God would never send anyone to hell; no one is so bad that they deserve to be tortured for eternity ri...

What Does It Mean To Judge?

  Judge definition: A : a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court B: one appointed to decide in a contest or competition:   UMPIRE C : one who gives an authoritative opinion D : CRITIC   One of the Greek words for judge is anakrino . It means to examine, investigate, to question. The world always says that “Only God can judge them!” That's from the Book of Tupac! If they really knew what the judgment of God entails, they would never say that. For some reason, people (even professing Christians) say that we are not to judge. The scripture often sited is Matthew 7:1, “Judge not lest you be judged.” If you isolate that verse, then you have a leg to stand on. But Jesus makes that statement based on the following verses. You see, one has to read the entire text to understand the context. This is what He says starting with verse two, “For with judgment you judge, you shall be judged, and with what measure you meet, it shall be measu...

What Is A Christian?

The writer will begin by saying what a Christian is not. A person is not a Christian because they are religious (See Acts 17:22) [1] . A person is not a Christian because they attend Church. It does not matter if they attended the same Church for fifty years, serve as a deacon, teach Sunday School, or is involved in the homeless ministry, feed the hungry and visit convalescent homes. A person is not a Christian because they are a gifted singer that leads the choir ( good lookin out Gee )! A person is not a Christian because they can play an instrument or multiple instruments on the praise team. A person is not a Christian because their Father is a Pastor, and their Mother is an Evangelist. Proxy saves no one. A person is not a Christian because they “feel Jesus in their heart.” Salvation is never based on our subjective sentimental feelings. A person is not a Christian because they have been water baptized. Baptism has never saved anyone. A person is not a Christian because they wear ...

Have You Spoken To Any Dogs Or Pigs Lately?

  I realize this is a very strange title for an article, but rest assured I will explain. I had the privilege of sharing the gospel with some members from my Church and another Church this past Saturday. As we walked in the neighborhood, we encountered a gentleman who engaged us, but also ridiculed everything we said regarding Jesus, sin and the need for repentance and forgiveness. This is no surprise to me as I have encountered people who have mocked God after I have shared His word, or even if they “agreed” with me, they told me what sins they were about to engage in letting me know the word had no penitential effect on them. My point being is when sharing the gospel truth to someone face to face, or online, we must be discerning. We are not to waste our time with those who have no desire to hear the truth. This is not a harsh response; it is a Biblical one. When Jesus was preaching the sermon on the mountain, He said, “Do not give what is holy to the dogs, and do not cast your...

In The World but not of it

As time marches on, it is more difficult to strike a balance between engaging our culture, and at the same time not succumbing to its evil trappings. We live in a world of tempting compromise. What I have discovered is that if you stand your ground, and stick to your moral convictions, you’re a bigot, phobic, conspiracy theorist, hypocrite, religious zealot, intolerant and unloving. You’ll get canceled on the largest social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. While free speech is our constitutional right, not everyone likes what others who have a different opinion than theirs have to say. In a lot of instances, many people hate worldviews that do not agree with their own - especially Biblical worldviews. These disagreements can degenerate to venomous shouting matches, violent fights, and worst of all some become fatal. As a Christian, we are commanded to love all people. This is never easy since so many people are hateful. The world has love twisted though. They belie...