What are miracles in the Bible? What was their purpose and who performed them? Do miracles exist today? Should we seek miracles from God? First, let’s define the term.

Miracles is the Hebrew word ôt; The Greek word is aēmion.

A simple definition of a miracle is supernatural event that goes contrary to natural laws in which God arrests the attention of those to whom the wonder/sign is to affect.

Contrary to popular belief, miracles were not frequent in the bible. There were only five times in history were miracles, signs and wonders were prevalent in scripture:

The time of Moses – Exodus 3; Exodus 7:10, 20; 8:6, 17, 24; 9:6, 10; 10:13, 22; 12:29, et al.

The time of Elijah the prophet

  1. I Kings 17:1 – At the word of Elijah there was no rain. Heaven was shut up for three and half years
  2. I Kings 17:16 – Provision of the bin of flour and the jar of oil for the Sidonian woman and her son.
  3. I King 17:22 – The Sidonian’s son brought back to life by Elijah
  4. I Kings 18:38 – Fire from Heaven consumed Elijah’s sacrifice when competing with the false prophets of Baal.
  5. I Kings 18:46 – Elijah miraculously out runs Ahab’s chariot
  6. II Kings 1:10 – Elijah commands fire to come down from heaven and consumes fifty men
  7. II Kings 1:12 – Elijah commands fire to come down from heaven and consumes fifty men a second time.
  8. II Kings 2:8 –Elijah struck the waters of the Jordan River with his mantle causing the waters to part, allowing him and Elisha to walk on dry ground.

The time of Elisha the prophet; Elijah’s successor. He literally received a double portion of Elijah’s power. Elijah performs (8) miracles, Elisha performs (16). These were the only miracle working prophets in the Old Testament. The rest were writing prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, et al.

1. II Kings 2:14 – Elisha struck the waters of the Jordan River causing them to part allowing him to walk on dry land. Notice the last miracle Elijah performed was the first miracle Elisha performed thus confirming for him no doubt that he was now officially God’s prophet.

2. II Kings 2:21 – The Lord through Elisha heals the waters of Jericho.

3. II Kings 2:24 – Elisha pronounces a curse on some youths who mocked him; they were killed by two female bears.

4. II Kings 3:20 – Waters came down from Edom like a flash flood. This place was a barren desert. It allowed the Israelite army and their cattle to drink as they prepared for battle against the King of Moab.

5. II Kings 3:22 - Water appears as blood to the Moabites. This illusion deceived them into thinking their enemies (i.e. the armies of Israel/Samaria, Judah & Edom) had fought and killed each other. They proceeded to take spoil, but was defeated by the armies they thought were dead.

6. II Kings 4:3-7 – At the word of Elisha, the widow’s oil doesn’t run out until she’s able to pay her debt to her creditors so she won’t have to sell her sons into slavery.

7. II Kings 4:35-37 – Elisha raises a boy from the dead.

8. II Kings 4:38-41 – Elisha purifies the pot of stew using flour for the sons of the prophets. Something toxic was thrown into the stew that could have killed them.

9. II Kings 4:42-44 – Elisha feeds one hundred men with twenty loaves of barley bread and newly ripened grain. This was initially just for Elisha to eat so it naturally wouldn’t have been enough for one hundred men.

10. II Kings 5:14 – Naaman the Syrian is cleansed of Leprosy by dipping in the Jordan River seven times according to the word of Elisha.

11. II Kings 5:26 – Elisha knew his servant Gehazi lied about where he was although he wasn’t physically with him.

12. II Kings 6:6-7 – Elisha causes an ax head to float on water.

13. II Kings 6:9-12 – Elisha by special revelation knew what the plans of the king of Syria were so he could warn the king of Israel and avoid an attack from his enemy.

14. II Kings 6:17 – Elisha prayed and his servant supernaturally saw the chariots of fire and horses around Elisha. This represented the armies of heaven.

15. II Kings 6:18 – Elisha prayed and the Syrians were struck with blindness.

16. II Kings 6:20 – Elisha prayed again and the Syrian’s eyes were opened.

The time of our Lord Jesus Christ: Matthew 8:3, 13, 15, 26; 9:6,25; Mark 4:39; 5:13,29,42;6:42-43; Luke 9:11-17; John 6:1-14; John 11:43,44, et al.

The Acts of the Apostles and close associates: Acts 2:43; 3:6-9; 5:12-16; 6:8; 9;34-35, 40; 14:11, et al.

God used miracles to authenticate the messenger and their message. Jesus himself said, “Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.” (John 4:48). Jesus also said, ”Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me, or else believe me the very works’ sake.” (John 14:11).

Remember, during this time of the prophets, Jesus and the apostles, the word of God was not complete; it was a direct revelation from God, so to confirm the speaker’s office, God would perform supernatural signs and wonders through these men to separate them from all others; false prophets especially. Once their office was complete and the word of God was recorded on the pages of scripture, the frequency of these miracles were no longer needed. The Lord did not display his power for mere entertainment. He had a specific purpose in mind. In the Old Testament it was so that all would know the true God dwelt in Israel so that God’s people would worship him and stop worshipping idols.

In the time of Jesus and the apostles, miraculous signs and wonders accompanied these holy men to authenticate the gospel message; this new, radical message of how one could be forgiven of their sins through repentance and receive the gift of salvation.

No doubt God still performs miracles today if he wants to. Through prayer and through God’s sovereignty, he can/does heal the sick, can the raise the dead, heal the blind, and cast out demons. The writer has never eye witnessed these accounts (i.e. raising of dead, healing of blind, casting of demons), but that does not mean these miracles do not occur. I believe though to a lesser degree. Although there are plenty of false prophets running around claiming to have healing powers, they do not. When Jesus and the apostles healed someone, it was instantaneous and verifiable; no smoke and mirrors, or cheap parlor tricks like we see today. The aforementioned periods of history were concentrated points were miracles occurred more frequently for the reasons I mentioned. Great signs and wonders will also occur in the future also during the finals day of God’s wrath (Revelation chapters 4-22).


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