The Book of Zechariah - A commentary Part I

Zechariah began prophesying in Oct/Nov 520 B.C., two months after the prophet Haggai (Haggai 1:1). Zechariah along with Haggai were part of the refugees who returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Persia to rebuild the Lord’s house and help to re-establish the nation that was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon in 586 B.C.

Chapter 1 -  First and Second Visions - The prophet is calling the people to national repentance, vs 2. He commands them, “don’t be like your fathers who didn’t listen to the prophets in their day”, vs 4-6.

Zechariah on the 24th day of the eleventh month, which would have been around February 14th 519 B.C. in his day, receives the first of eight visions:

 First vision - He sees a man on a red horse, another on red horse, one on a brown horse, another on a white who were patrolling the earth and found it at rest. The horseman are an angelic police of some sort, vs 7-9

Another part of the chapter deals with God’s promise to restore Israel and build his house and dwell in it. God will again choose Jerusalem vs 16-17.

Second Vision - The prophet vision ends with fours horns (symbolic of power and authority in scripture), and four craftsmen. The four horns most likely represent four nations that subdued Israel: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, vs 18-20.

Chapter 2 -  Third Vision – Zechariah has a vision of a man with a measuring rod to measure Jerusalem; perhaps also measuring where the future millennial temple will lay, vs 1-2.
Jerusalem will again be inhabited and God himself will be their protection. The Lord will dwell in their midst, vs 5, 10, 11.

God will be with his people forever, and choose them as his own possession, vs 12.
In the end times, many nations (the Gentiles) will belong to the Lord, and they will be his people. This proves God has always been a savior to not only Israel, but to all peoples vs. 11.

Chapter 3Fourth Vision – Zechariah has a vision of Joshua the High Priest before the Angel of the Lord (which scholars believe is the pre-incarnate Christ), and satan accusing Joshua. The Angel of the Lord says, “The Lord rebuke you Satan”.

God has chosen Jerusalem so Joshua who’s a symbol of national Israel is made clean as the filthy garments are removed, and rich robes are put on him. A clean turban is placed on his head also.
This vision that the prophet sees is God re-establishing the royal priesthood to Israel, vs 1-5.

The Lord in the future will bring his servant THE BRANCH (an old testament reference to Jesus Christ), to dwell with his people in the millennial kingdom, vs 10.

Chapter 4 – Fifth Vision – The prophet sees a vision of a seven golden lamp stand, and two olives trees; the two olive branches are distinct in this vision. The Imagery here is strange and apparently very “Jewish” in scope.

Zechariah is given this vision to the civil leader of the nation, Zerubbabel to finish building the temple which will not be by his might. Any opposition will be removed so that when Zerubbabel brings the final (cap) stone, the people will rejoice shouting, “grace grace to it”, vs 6-7. The temple was completed in the year 516 B.C. The finished work will be precious in the sight of the Lord, vs 10.
The two olive branches is believed to represent Joshua the High Priest and Zerubbabel the Governor who was of royal lineage, vs 14. Chapters 3 and 4 are a tandem.

Chapter 5 – Visions Six and Seven – The first vision in the chapter is of a flying scroll. It’s dimensions are 30x15 feet. The scroll is apparently the Law that judges evil doers. Mainly thieves and perjurers. The word will be so severe, that it will consume the sinner’s houses. The word will accomplish it purposes, vs 14. With the re-establishing of the nation, evil must be judged and rooted out immediately.

The second vision is of a woman in a basket. Two women with the wings of a stork lift up the basket and take it to Shinar (an ancient name for Babylon) to set up what appears to be a false religious system. The woman in the basket is perhaps the great whore described in the book of Revelation. MYSTERY BABYLON is discussed in detail in Revelation chapters 17 & 18; commercial and religious Babylon.

Chapter 6 – Eighth Vision – The prophet sees four chariots of horses:
Red horses, black, white, strong/dappled horses. These represent the four spirits of heaven. Their job is to patrol the earth, vs 1-8.

Zechariah in the vision creates a crown and places it on Joshua the High Priest who pre-figures Messiah (the Branch) who will combine both offices of High Priest and King, vs 11-14.

Joshua once again a type of Christ will assist in building the post exilic temple. THE BRANCH will build the future Millennial temple, vs 15.

Chapter 7 -  In the fourth year of King Darius / 518 B.C., certain refugees from Babylon thought their fasting and weeping in the fifth and seventh months (burning of the temple – around July/August 586 B.C. and Day of Atonement respectively)  would appease God. Their names: Sherezer with Regem-Melech and his men. The prophet told them obedience is what the Lord demands along with Justice, kindness and compassion, vs 1-10.

Verses 8-14 declare they refused to do that and that is why Israel was scattered amongst the nations.


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