Everything written in the Bible is not true

Shocking statement? To most it definitely is. Why would I make what seems like a most blasphemous phrase? Well, before anyone brands me a heretic let me defend my position. There are indeed statements in the Bible that are simply not true. In fact, the Bible records lies.
          Let me explain.

In John 8:41 the religious leaders said to Jesus that they were not born of fornication. In the 48th verse they said Jesus had a demon.

Neither one of these statements are true of Jesus, but it is true that the statements were made. Although I’m sure this is obvious to most readers, but to perhaps some, this may not be obvious. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this account, they may be led to believe that these remarks regarding Jesus are true because they are recorded in scripture.

We know that Jesus was virgin born. The religious leaders underlying thinking was very insulting. By saying they were not born of fornication, they were implying that Jesus was a bastard, and his mother was a whore.

In Matthew 11:18-19 we read, “For John came neither eating or drinking and they say, “He has a demon!” The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they say, “Behold a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners”…

Here we see again the true recording of the account, but the accusations being untrue. John the Baptist was not demon possessed, and neither was Jesus a glutton and a drunk.

In Matthew 12:22 Jesus heals a demon possessed man who was also blind and mute. In verse 24 the Pharisees said that Jesus casts out demons by Beelzebub the prince of demons. Jesus himself refutes the remark as being untrue. In verse 26 He said, “If Satan casts out Satan he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?”

For so in review, we see that the religious leaders said that Jesus was:
1       Born illegitimately
2        Was demon possessed
3     Was a glutton and drunk
4     Casting out demons by the power of Satan instead of the Holy Spirit

Everyone of these statements was truly made, but none of these statements were true of our Lord.

    Unrecorded accounts and statements that are true and are counted as scripture

There are a few instances where a statement was made or event occurred that was not previously mentioned or recorded in scripture.

For instance in Luke 13:4-5 Jesus says, “Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men that live in Jerusalem? I tell you, no but unless you repent, you will likewise perish.”

This account Jesus mentioned is not recorded anywhere in the Old Testament, yet it is a true account by virtue of the fact that He makes reference to it. The issue Jesus is preaching to His audience is repentance. He used this tragic situation of death to say that death is sudden and does happen to all. We do not know when death will occur so repent now or you will perish; that is eternally perish!

In Acts 20:35 Paul says remember the words of the Lord Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
These words are not recorded anywhere in the gospels which tells us not all of Jesus words are recorded in scripture, yet the words are true by virtue of the fact that Paul by inspiration of the Holy Spirit recites them to the Ephesian elders.       

We read in Jude 14 that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied that the Lord will come with many of His holy ones to execute judgment upon the ungodly.

The book of Enoch is a non biblical or a pseudepigraphal book (false writings). However, the prophecy of the biblical Enoch is true. We only know of this prophecy through Jude.

The Spirit of God inspired Jude to quote the writer (most likely not Enoch) of this non biblical source regarding God’s coming judgment on the wicked. The quote from the book of Enoch fits perfectly with Jude’s theme of righteous judgment on God’s enemies.

Concluding, we have statements recorded in scripture that aren’t true, and also we have events and statements that are true not recorded in scripture until mentioned by the writer who was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit.


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