Speaking things into existence

There are many that believe we can create what we want with our words. Do human words have that kind of power?  The quick answer is no! Those that believe this lie are victims of the positive confession movement, name-it-and-claim-it which is prevalent in Word of Faith Churches. 

The idea is that if you positive confess something enough times and you believe in what you are confessing, then it will come to pass. Actually what this is, is new age mysticism, not faith. This is also called the Law of attraction. In this "law", like attracts like. For instance, if you are uttering negative words in the universe, that is what the universe will bring back to you. Also if you are speaking positive things, then you expect positive things from the universe. This has some similarities to karma that is practiced in the Hindu and Buddhist religions.

Those that believe humans can call things into existence by speaking words have not really taken the time to analyze the serious implications of their thought process. What one is saying without realizing it is that you're like God. Why do I say that? Because God is the only being that can create something out of nothing or what is called ex nihilo. God used the power of his words to create the universe and everything in it. In other words, he spoke it into existence. We do not have that power.

Preachers have misused Romans 4:17 as a proof text for this unbiblical practice. Let's read what it says, "As it is written, I have made you the father of many nations, before him whom he believed. even God, who quickens the dead and calls those things that be not as though they were (KJV)".

This text is used as a sort of magic incantation to confess financial prosperity, healing for one's body, success on the job, etc. The verse in context has nothing do with the name-it-and-claim-it heresy. The writer Paul is talking about the promise of God to Abraham to make him the father of many nations. At the time God made the promise, Abraham was old and so was Sarah his wife. They were past the age of bearing children. But God promised they would have Isaac and at the appointed time they did when Abraham was 100 years old (Gen 21:2-4). God is the one that calls things into existence that do not exist. That is God brought the promise he made to Abraham to manifestation through his faith in the Lord.  

Also, it is also important to bear in mind that when God initially made the promise to Abraham about making him a father of many nations, and when he had Isaac was 25 years. A testament to Abraham's great enduring faith in God (Gen 12:4; Gen 21:5).

Think about it for a moment, if we could create our own reality by the power of our words, we could heal the sick, raise the dead, get rid of crime, prevent all types of abuse, end corrupt politics, and cure world hunger. We could create our own utopia. And if all that were true, we would get rid of God also. 

The ancient people of the world already tried to make a name for themselves with the ancient city and tower of Babel in the land of Shinar. They attempted to build it so they could reach into the heavens. God seeing their evil pride confused their languages so they could not understand one another and the ungodly building project was halted by God as the people were dispersed throughout the earth (Gen 11:1-9).

I use that account to prove that just like those ancient people in Genesis 11 attempted to make a name for themselves and failed, those that believe they can create their own reality with their words will always fail. This positive confession phenomenon is nothing more than abra-cadabra, hocus-pocus!! It is not trusting in God at all. 


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