Commentary on Proverbs Chapter One

Verses 1-6

It makes sense that Solomon the wisest man who ever lived would record words of wisdom for everything in life that we experience. The primary purpose of this book was for Solomon to give Godly instruction to his son(s).  Solomon realized the absolute value in guiding his children and all who read to listen to the voice of the Lord and, apply His knowledge and wisdom to our lives so that our steps are ordered. Not to do so is foolish. Ignoring God’s word is an absolute recipe for disaster for anyone. 

Verse is 7 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Fools despise wisdom and instruction or discipline. If one is to discover true knowledge, they must fear, revere and honor the Lord first. You cannot even reach first base in your understanding of anything if you do not know the Lord is the one guiding your thoughts and deeds. In essence one who refuses to acknowledge God is a fool, literally an airhead. 

Verse 8-19

Solomon continues to instruct children to listen to their Father and Mother. Doing so is wise for the child. Receiving Godly wisdom and instruction is most precious – like garland on the head and jewelry around the neck. What is the result of Godly parental counseling? It will dissuade a young man from joining ruthless people who only want to rob and kill others without cause. Those that run to evil will become victims of their own wicked schemes. The wicked are the ones who do not have the Lord in their lives. For if they did, they would despise wickedness and love righteousness.

Verses 20-33

Wisdom is personified calling out in the streets to those who need her which is all people. Wisdom is warning the ignorant and the mocker to end their destructive ways and heed her voice. If they do, they will receive Wisdom’s Spirit and be taught by her. Paul in Ephesians prayed for the Ephesian Church that they would receive the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the Lord (Ephesians 1:17). Wisdom will ignore those that despise her, especially when their fear and calamity come upon them. As a matter of fact, she will laugh at them for rejecting her. This response from Wisdom’s rejection of the wicked should serve as loving and fearful warning to all of us. God’s love will only be available for a little while. If rejected continuously, only His wrath remains which no human in their right mind wants (but deserves). 

Want to live securely and honestly in this hard life? Fear the Lord and obey His commandments. 
That is the heartbeat of the entire book of Proverbs.


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