As the year closes, I wanted share some thoughts with you regarding our sins. Although never a popular topic we want to discuss, we must if we’re to identify the sin in our lives and conquer it. How do you view your sins; a moral lapse in judgment? Perhaps just a simple mistake, “No big deal, we all get “caught up.” Or, you don’t confess your sins at all because you’re a “good person” and God knows your heart. That’s very true, God does know your heart. All the more the reason to confess your sins unto God right? A simple definition of sin is the transgression of God’s holy law. When one reads God’s word, understand it and violate his commands, we’ve sinned against the Lord. This should grieve us to the core; especially those of us who are Christians. If one doesn’t feel bad when they’ve committed sin, there’s a couple of things going on: 1. Lack of knowledge of their sins and it’s consequences (Romans 6:23) 2. The sinners loves their sins and refuses to repent of them (John 3;19,20; ...