I AM the True Vine and you are the Branches
Jesus is using agricultural imagery in John 15. The phrase “I AM” makes reference to Jesus’ deity – His pre-existent nature. In layman’s terms He is God. Jesus regarding Himself as the True Vine was the last of His 7 “I AM statements in John’s gospel [1] . This phrase was first used way back in Exodus 3:14 when God spoke with Moses through the burning bush and revealed Himself as the Great I AM! The one to deliver Israel out of Egyptian slavery. Jesus speaking to the disciples directly (minus Judas Iscariot for he at this point had betrayed the Lord), and by extension every believer born into the family of God thereafter explained to them the relationship between the Father, Himself, believers, and non-believers. Jesus begins by declaring, “I am the true vine”. True obviously meaning genuine and authentic. He also...