
Will everyone that has ever lived be Resurrected?

In Daniel 12:1-2 we read this, “At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people. And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt.” So, what does all of this mean? Daniel receives visions and records what is going to happen to his people in the future, the nation Israel. Michael is the archangel who watches over the nation. In the latter days, Israel will experience the worst time in its history. As a matter of fact, it will be the worst time in human history because the Lord will unleash His wrath upon mankind for their rebellion. Sin has a payday - death (Romans 6:23).  In verse two Daniel says that many of those who are in the dust of the earth shall awak...

Lord I Believe Help My Unbelief!

There was a man who had a demon possessed son. He brought him to the disciples who could not cast the demon out. Jesus frustrated with His disciples lack of faith asked the father how long his son had been in that condition. The father replied that his son has been this way since childhood. The father requested that if Jesus could do anything, have pity on them and help the boy (Mark 9:23). This father is completely desperate and has nowhere else to turn but to Jesus. Jesus said to him, all things are possible to them that believe. To me, the following reply by the father is one of the most honest and prolific statements in all the Bible, "Lord I believe; help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24)! No doubt that man's faith was emboldened when he saw the demon cast out of his son. The man received two things he asked for; for his faith to be strengthed by Jesus which the Lord did when He cast the demon out of his son. Jesus gave the man a two for one deal. Sweet. For those...

God loves the Sinner but hates the Sin right?

Is this a true or "churchy" statement? it may surprise many that the Bible never makes the above statement. We in the church have popularized it. Does the word of God even imply the statement is true? Let's examine the word to find out. Psalm 5:5 says the Lord hates the workers of iniquity. Psalm 11:5 says the wicked and the one who loves violence His (the Lord) soul hates. The word wicked in Hebrew means someone who is intent on breaking God's law, His rules. They do not want to stop sinning. For them sinning is insatiable. We would call someone like that a menace to society. This is the type of person that God hates. Please hear me clearly as I write, God not only hates the sin, He hates the person who commits sin without remorse. Why? Because God cannot punish sin without punishing the sinner right? It would be just as illogical to say an oncologist will treat cancer but not treat the cancer patient. By getting rid of the cancer, they cure the patient ...

What is Biblical Hope?

A common definition of hope is a wish. Someone has received some news like a potential job offer, a raise on a current job. News about a health prognosis. The outcome is not certain and unforeseen so usually, there is tremendous anxiety. Why? Because we do not know the outcome in advance. Many believe thinking positive can sway the outcome, but that does not work. I do not mean to sound negative, but our thoughts do not have any mental-bending-telepathic powers to determine the outcome of things. Putting "positive energy" in the universe is nothing more than New Age Mysticism. Oftentimes our hope is disappointed in this life - we do not get that job we wanted. Sometimes a person's surgery or therapy does not improve their health and their situation becomes terminal; they are going to die.  Ordinary hope is never a guarantee because it is based on those who do not always keep their word.  Sometimes things do go our way. What we hoped (wished) for does comes to pass a...

Commentary on The Book of Jude

                                          Intro Jude is the brother of James – the author of the Book of James, and the half-brother of Jesus Christ. Jude initially did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah until he rose from the dead (John 7:5; 1 Cor 15:6). Scholars declare this book was written around 68-70 A.D. before the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. No specific audience is identified, but we know that Jude is addressing believers because in his salutation he says, “Those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ (vs.1).” This can only make reference to believers. Jude’s letter was to discuss our common salvation, but the Spirit of God guided him in another direction. What Jude had to discuss to his readers Jude had to warn his readers to contend earnestly for the faith once and for all delivered unto the saints. To contend...

Is The Church Chasing The World Away From Christ? Part 2

This subject is such a tinderbox. Why? In small part, many in the Church are to blame for the way people think about God and the Church. As I mentioned in the prior article, the way we present Jesus to the world is the way they see Him and all of Christianity.  It is impossible for the unsaved to have a Biblical worldview unless we who are truly in Christ show them the way. You know what that means? We must know what we are talking about. What one loves is what they will give their time, energy and spend their money on. One will study hard and long with commitment and diligence to learn that subject so that they can graduate, get their degree and become employed in their field of study. An athlete trains long and hard so that he or she can be the best and win that championship ring or that cup. It signifies them being the absolute best in their sport - and everyone knows it. How much more should we as Christians heed the command of 2 Timothy 2:15 which says to study to sh...

Is The Church Chasing The World Away From Christ? Part 1

The book of Proverbs 25:26 it reads, "A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring." I use that verse of scripture to show that those of us in the Church must be careful how we present ourselves to the world - that is the fallen world. For how are we to reach them if we are doing the same things they are doing? Answer? We will not reach them. We MUST be lights in a dark world that has no hope and without God in the world (Ephesians 2:12). We have to lovingly and firmly stand our ground for truth no matter what. We do not have to resort to gimmicks or tricks to draw the lost into the kingdom. God is adding daily to His Church those that will be saved (Acts 2:47). Our blessed role is to be the seed planters - preach the gospel. Now, back to the original question. Are we in the Church running away the lost? Sadly and perhaps often, yes. How? When someone who is a faithful church attendee does or says something ungodly, th...