What Does It Mean To Judge?
Judge definition: A : a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court B: one appointed to decide in a contest or competition: UMPIRE C : one who gives an authoritative opinion D : CRITIC One of the Greek words for judge is anakrino . It means to examine, investigate, to question. The world always says that “Only God can judge them!” That's from the Book of Tupac! If they really knew what the judgment of God entails, they would never say that. For some reason, people (even professing Christians) say that we are not to judge. The scripture often sited is Matthew 7:1, “Judge not lest you be judged.” If you isolate that verse, then you have a leg to stand on. But Jesus makes that statement based on the following verses. You see, one has to read the entire text to understand the context. This is what He says starting with verse two, “For with judgment you judge, you shall be judged, and with what measure you meet, it shall be measu...