Eternal Forgiveness Temporal Punishment

The word of God is replete with scriptures that make it clear we have eternal life abiding on the inside of us if we are Christians. What that means is that we can never lose our salvation although many believe we can. If we can lose eternal life, then it is not eternal is it?  

Eternal life along with eternal forgiveness are inextricably linked. God does not save a life forever and not forgive that life forever too. God saves who He forgives and forgives who He saves. Why do I belabor this point? Because you have many that tragically believe and teach that a sinner that Jesus shed His blood for on the cross and saves can somehow void the power of the atonement through sin and nullify the grace of God once given to that person. What that means is that the person has allowed their feelings to override the authority and truth of God’s word. Saying it another way, the person does not have faith in the word of God; they have more faith in their vacillating feelings of doubt toward God and His word. 

That is a sin. 

We must not base our salvation on our feelings. They often betray us. We must base our salvation on the immutable word of God – only! If we hear and read the gospel to ourselves daily, the more faith will come (Rom 10:17), and the more confidence we will have in the promises of God. Doubt will disappear. Take rest in the fact that our salvation is secure. We can also take comfort that our salvation does not depend upon us to keep it. God is the one that saves us and preserves us in our salvation. So, what is the believer’s responsibility? We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling knowing that it is God who is working in you both to will and to work His good pleasure (Phil 2:12-13). I heard one preacher say it this way, “We have to work out what God has worked in.”  Saying it another way, we must develop our salvation daily. That is what sanctification is all about – conforming to the image of Christ.  

Now I want to switch reels. When there is unconfessed sin in the lives of believers, that is when doubt is at its highest for many. Meaning that is when people began to lose faith in God and His promises. Guilt overrides faith. The word of God is still as powerful and present as ever, but the person who is in sin loses assurance of their salvation and relationship with God. The guilt one feels is a good thing. That is the Holy Spirit convicting one of sin (John 16:8-11). The point of this is to drive the person to repentance so that they can be cleansed of their present unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Even as believers we need to confess our sins to God – not so that we can be saved for we already have salvation, but so that we do not break fellowship with the Lord. Confession of sin keeps our inner man clean. It clearly shows the love of God to chastise or punish us in this way.  

It would be wise for us to keep this truth in mind. The greater the offense, the greater the punishment. Just as our natural parents punished us when we got out of line so that we could 
get back on the right path, our heavenly Father does the same thing. It is all motivated by love of the Father to His children. We are not to despise the chastening of the Lord. Just because discipline is often needed; does not mean He no longer loves us. It is because God loves us that He disciplines. 

We are never going lose salvation if we sin. But be warned, if we persist in unrepentant sin, then God as an act mercy may decide to end the life of a wayward son or daughter (1 Cor 5:5). They are in a habitual sin state. Currently they are of no use to the kingdom, and are an embarrassment to themselves, the body of Christ, and to the outside world. When the righteous behave like the wicked, they are being hypocritical. This is one of the main reasons unbelievers despise Christians and the church and God. We must represent Jesus Christ far better. We will never do this perfectly. 

But, if we are walking in the Spirit, we can do this faithfully. Allow our light to shine so that men can see our good works which will give glory and honor to the God we profess to believe in, love and serve (Matt 5:16).  

So, rest assured that if we are truly saved, we cannot lose our salvation and be forever punished. We can be severely punished as Christians if we continue to disobey the Lord. That is why I titled the article Eternal Forgiveness-Temporal Punishment. The tragic opposite of this would be Temporary Sins –Eternal Punishment. I will discuss that matter in another article. 


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