Providence and Sovereignty

Providence - When God from heaven invisibly navigates human affairs on earth so that ultimately His purposes are accomplished.

Sovereignty - Means ultimate rule. One who has absolute power of over all things.

Although God is invisible, He is very much involved in the activities of men. Nothing escapes His eyes. God sees everything happening here on earth all at the same time. For most people that is an unnerving thought - that God is watching everything they do. That is why so many people claim to be atheists. If they determine that God does not exist, then they have no one to be accountable to. That gives them comfort. It is however the most deceptive assurance one can have. Wishing God out of existence is a fantasy.

Providence is a very powerful attribute of God. What is so amazing about this virtue is that all of mankind’s actions in the earth are somehow woven within the tapestry of God’s will. Through all the choices we make no matter how wicked they are, God knows about them before they happen and uses them ultimately for His glory. Now at this point someone may facetiously argue, “If my evil is woven into the fabric of God’s will, how can my actions be evil ? It was God’s will right?”

Not even close.

Just because God permits evil does not mean He approves it. God gives man the ability to make choices - good and bad. if He didn't, we would be wind up toys - doing only what we were programmed to do. That is a robot, a computer and not a free moral agent. In order for a choice to be real, there has to be an opposing choice. God gives us the freedom to choose, but at the same time He commands us always to choose what is good for that is to our benefit, and for His glory.

Since God is sovereign in heaven and earth - all the universe, nothing in this world happens by chance. In other words, we do not get lucky or unlucky. As painful as it may be to hear, when an innocent baby suffers and dies from a disease, God permitted it. It was not a case of bad luck or bad karma. It was sin that brought about the child's death. Not the sin of the infant, but the result of worldwide sin, death (Rom 6:23). All of us have an appointment with death like it or not (Heb 9:27).

The pain of death of the most vulnerable should grip us with fear and alarm. The reality of God permitting infants to die should let us all know how much He hates sin. The thought of our small children dying who committed no wrong is deplorable to us. It is a painful revelation that God shows to us all. Even some of the worst people in our society see the death of the innocent as a horrible miscarriage of justice on God's part. Once again, the wages of sin is death. Sin not only affects the person committing it, it affects those who are in our sphere of influence mainly the ones we love the most. Sin is not only personal evil, it is also familial and of course worldwide. The offenses of one person can affect many based on that person's influence over others.

The earth is God's theater. Mankind has a role to play in that theater. God providentially controls all things behind the scenes yet evidence of His power and presence cannot be denied. Psalm 19:1 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.

Point being is God is in control of everything that is happening here on earth. He operates through humankind and nature to accomplish His plans. Whether our choices are good or evil, God as the Master planner orchestrates all things according to His will and purposes (Psa 115:3; Rom 8:28). No human act of rebellion can stop it. Man thinks that he is getting away with evil because He's not immediately punished for it. But give it time - your sin will find you out (Num 32:23)!

In the final analysis, this world is not a cosmic accident. It was created by God on purpose. It was no surprise or shock that man would fall into sin. God predetermined that He would send Jesus to the earth to be a sacrifice for our sins and redeem us from eternal destruction. I realize that those of us who are believers often wonder why God planned things this way. Answer? Because He wanted to. The Master of the universe answers to no one.

In the mind of God it makes perfect sense to create a world, fill it with life.Create man in His image. Command him not to eat the forbidden fruit. Allow man to choose to sin against Him because he has free will like God. Pronounce death on man as a universal curse for his rebellion. To send another Adam (i.e. Jesus 1 Cor 15:45) to give eternal life like in the beginning and reverse the curse of death.

It is the love and the wisdom of God to do all these things. That is what a sovereign and providential being is all about. Having the power to do things His way working His plan in history in the affairs of men.


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