Temporal Sins Eternal Punishment

This article is the negative balance of the prior one. The question has been asked, “Why should someone suffer eternally for a temporary life of sins?” That is a valid question. When we sin, it is ultimately against an infinite being – God Almighty. He requires eternal punishment for a life of unrepentant and unforgiven sins. God is completely holy and in His perfect wisdom decided it would be this way. The Lord will not allow evil men to rebel against Him and not suffer the just penalty for that rebellion. The reality of eternal punishment should strike us with fear to the point that we cry out, “LORD WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED – TODAY” (Acts 16:30; 2 Cor 6:2)!  

Think about it, God forgives those eternally who trust Jesus Christ as their sin bearer. It only makes sense that He would punish those eternally who do not believe that Jesus is the only way truth and life (John 14:6).  Why do men reject the truth after hearing it explained to them? Jesus said it perfectly, “Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil” (John 3:19).  The Bible also says that the natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit, for it is foolishness to him; and he cannot know them for they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14).  That word foolishness in the Greek is where we get our English word moron. To the unbeliever, it is stupid to believe in Jesus. And in their mind if it is stupid why believe? To the unbelieving world to be a Christian is to be an idiot. So as far as they are concerned, it is wise to reject Jesus. Who wants to be called a fool for following a Jewish man who claimed to be God some 2000 years ago and then dies naked on a cross like a criminal!  What kind of God does something like that? Why do so many people believe such a bizarre report? 

Okay, no more playing devil’s advocate. 

All one needs to know about how to be saved is contained within the pages of Holy scripture. God has clearly laid it out. If one truly wants to know the Lord, God will reveal himself to them (Deut 4:29; 1 Chr 28:9: 2 Chr 15: 2; Jer 29:13). 

Once someone is willing to hear the truth, God will open their heart like Lydia (Acts 16:14), flood them with His love of the gospel (Rom 5:5). The grace of God poured on them will be too irresistible to deny and they will trust in Jesus Christ for their soul salvation. To deny God’s love will only leave His judgment on that person. If they die in their sins, that means they were not forgiven. They rejected the truth. And now they must pay for their own sins eternally in hell/lake of fire. The blessed invitation is extended to all men to come to Christ so that He can pardon their sins forever with His blood. That means you are covered. To reject Christ is the ultimate blasphemy. To turn your back on God proves your hatred of Him. That person proves why they deserve eternal punishment – they have denied the only way they could ever be saved.  

John the apostle wrote the same thing twice. Once in the gospel bearing his name, and the other time in 1 John 5:12, “He that has the Son has life. He who does not have the Son does not have life.  The New American Standard (NAS) version says it like this, “He who has the Son has the Life. He who does not have the Son does not have the life (italics added for emphasis). John 3:36 adds this fearful warning, “but the wrath of God abides on him.” 


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